Humans vs. Zombies
At Georgia Tech

Join the HvZ@GT Discord

Welcome to HvZ @ Georgia Tech

Welcome to the largest game on Georgia Tech's campus, Humans vs Zombies!

The Spring 2025 game will take place April 2nd-5th!

So if you haven't already: Sign Up Here.

Also join our Discord Server to interact with other players during the game.

Player Meetings

Player meetings aren't mandatory, but they give you mission credit and go over the rules!

Player meeting times and locations will be announced shortly.

Come Talk to Us

We will be at a table on Tech Walkway in the days before game week. Come by to pick up your bandanna and say hi to the admins!

What Is This?

If you're new to the game, welcome! Humans vs. Zombies is a large game similar to tag, played by hundreds of people on campus every semester. Each player signs up and receives a yellow bandanna, which they wear on the upper arm to denote themselves as human. Zombies, who wear their bandanna on the head, tag humans to increase the zombie population. Humans can defend themselves by stunning zombies with approved stunning projectiles such as socks and marshmallows, taking the zombies out of play for a limited time. Be sure to attend the player meetings if you can, to learn more about how the game works and information specific to this semester's game.

All players must be signed up on our website and carry a player ID, to be turned over when tagged by a zombie. To sign up, go to your Profile and register your information. HvZ is a great way to meet interesting people, learn your way around campus, and have a fun time. Join the game, and fight for your survival!

Some Useful Links

Join our Discord Server.